Get to
know Avie

And what it can do for your workflow.

Join The Community

Queries, questions or assistance with setting up your business. Join the Facebook group and connect with us and other users.

Direct Link

Clients access to your schedule with only two clicks. One to open the app, the second to open your business profile.

Easy Setup

Before you start building your business profile, you just need to define the services you offer and the times you're available.


Your clients will have the ability to access your schedule at anytime and at their convenience. They will love you for it.

Schedule Control

Set boundaries for better work-life balance. Start and finish times, available days, holidays, or the odd afternoon off. You're in control.

Set & Forget

Set your business profile. Tweak it to your liking over the first couple of weeks. Once it is all set, it'll just do its thing in the background.

Keep up!

Your clients live in a world where everything is available to order, buy or book at their convenience. The successful businesses are those who preempt their clients’ needs and expectations.
Avie assists Solo Operators to offer that expected convenience to their clients.

Easy to
Setup & Use

at Anytime

Full Control
of Appointments

Constantly Updated
& Improved